While you're here trying to contact us, make sure that we can contact you! We send news and announcements to the neighborhood by email so be sure to visit our News and Events page to subscribe to the email list.
Visit the L Streets Policies webpage to obtain the L Streets NA Privacy, Social Media, and Discrimination Policies.
Ed Penton
Janet Beckman
Pam Schneider
To get involved with Crime Watch, share info about a crime, or a pass on a crime prevention tip send an email to crimewatch@lstreets.org. Contact vip@lstreets.org for info on the VIP Program and to get details about the next Dallas Police Department VIP training class.
Contact info@lstreets.org for all other inquiries or communication needs.
Call to leave a voicemail or send a text to 469-702-1954. If you're an L Streets resident please include your name and street address in your message.
L Streets Neighborhood Association
PO Box 38361
Dallas TX 75238